Yanick's CPAN Modules
Behold my 103 CPAN distributions, ye mighty, and despair.
- Path-Tiny-Globv0.2.0 September 4th, 2019
- File globbing utility
- Escape-Houdiniv0.3.2 August 15th, 2019
- Perl API to Houdini, a zero-dependency C web escaping library
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SchwartzRatiov0.3.4 July 21st, 2019
- display the Schwartz ratio of the distribution upon release
- NetPacketv1.7.2 July 21st, 2019
- assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
- Dancer2-Plugin-WebSocketv0.2.0 July 16th, 2019
- add a websocket interface to your Dancers app
- File-Serializev1.3.0 July 12th, 2019
- DWIM file serialization/deserialization
- XML-XPathScriptv2.00 July 4th, 2019
- a Perl framework for XML stylesheets
- MsgPack-RPCv2.0.3 June 30th, 2019
- MessagePack RPC client
- Bread-Boardv0.37 June 28th, 2019
- A solderless way to wire up your application components
- Dist-Zilla-Stash-Contributorsv0.1.1 June 28th, 2019
- Stash containing list of contributors
- Term-Cacav3.1.0 June 27th, 2019
- perl interface for libcaca (Colour AsCii Art library)
- Template-Mustachev1.3.2 June 26th, 2019
- Drawing Mustaches on Perl for fun and profit
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-YANICKv0.30.0 June 25th, 2019
- Be like Yanick when you build your dists
- Taskwarrior-Kusarigamav0.12.0 May 1st, 2019
- plugin system for the Taskwarrior task manager
- Task-BeLike-YANICKv0.9.0 January 21st, 2019
- like Yanick? Be like Yanick!
- Dancer2-Plugin-Deferredv0.007018 October 27th, 2018
- Defer messages or data across redirections
- Parallel-ForkManagerv2.02 October 8th, 2018
- A simple parallel processing fork manager
- App-PAUSE-cleanupv0.0014 October 5th, 2018
- Manage (delete/undelete) your PAUSE files
- MooseX-Blessed-Reconstructv1.01 September 26th, 2018
- A Data::Visitor for creating Moose objects from blessed placeholders
- Dancer2-Session-Memcachedv0.007 September 7th, 2018
- Dancer 2 session storage with Cache::Memcached
- Git-CPAN-Patchv2.3.4 August 24th, 2018
- Patch CPAN modules using Git
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodKnitv0.0.1 August 1st, 2018
- craft from warm and fuzzy documentation for your Perl code
- Alien-cacav0.0.3 August 1st, 2018
- Alien package for the Colored ASCII Art library
- Catalyst-Plugin-MemoryUsagev0.4.1 July 27th, 2018
- Profile memory usage of requests
- Dancer2-Plugin-Showtermv0.0.3 July 15th, 2018
- Replay terminal typescript captures
- Dancer2-Plugin-FontSubsetv0.0.1 June 21st, 2018
- Generate font subsets on-the-fly
- Dancer2-Template-Mustachev0.0.1 June 20th, 2018
- Wrapper for the Mustache template system
- Dancer-Template-Mustachev1.1.0 June 14th, 2018
- Wrapper for the Mustache template system
- Class-Datev1.1.17 June 1st, 2018
- Class for easy date and time manipulation
- Dancer2-Session-Cookiev0.009 April 25th, 2018
- Dancer 2 session storage in secure cookies
- Dancer-Session-Cookiev0.30 March 11th, 2018
- Encrypted cookie-based session backend for Dancer
- Dancer-Plugin-Cache-CHIv1.5.0 March 4th, 2018
- Dancer plugin to cache response content (and anything else)
- MooseX-Attribute-Multibuilderv0.0.1 January 27th, 2018
- Have several attributes share the same builder
- DBIx-NoSQL-Store-Managerv1.0.0 January 6th, 2018
- DBIx::NoSQL as a Moose object store
- Class-Basev0.09 January 4th, 2018
- useful base class for deriving other modules
- PPIx-EditorToolsv0.21 December 24th, 2017
- Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
- Dancer-Plugin-MobileDevicev0.06 December 22nd, 2017
- make a Dancer app mobile-aware
- Neovim-RPCv1.0.1 November 27th, 2017
- RPC client for Neovim
- Neovim-RPC-Plugin-Taskwarriorv0.0.1 November 26th, 2017
- UI for taskwarrior
- Dancer2-Plugin-RESTv1.02 July 20th, 2017
- A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer2
- JSON-Schema-AsTypev0.4.3 July 16th, 2017
- generates Type::Tiny types out of JSON schemas
- Dancer-Plugin-Chainv0.1.1 July 8th, 2017
- Chained actions for Dancer
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Covenantv0.1.2 July 4th, 2017
- add the author's pledge to the distribution
- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Twitterv2.0.5 May 6th, 2017
- Twitter authentication for Catalyst
- DBIx-NoSQLv0.0021 April 21st, 2017
- NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangeStats-Gitv0.6.0 April 14th, 2017
- add code churn statistics to the changelog
- Dancer-Template-Caribouv1.0.1 April 2nd, 2017
- Template::Caribou wrapper for Dancer
- Template-Caribouv1.2.1 April 2nd, 2017
- class-based HTML-centric templating system
- Email-MIME-Kit-Bulkv0.0.3 March 29th, 2017
- Email::MIME::Kit-based bulk mailer
- Email-Simple-Markdownv0.7.2 March 11th, 2017
- simple email creation with auto text and html multipart body
- Dancer2-Template-Caribouv1.0.0 February 26th, 2017
- Template::Caribou wrapper for Dancer2
- MoobXv0.1.0 January 14th, 2017
- Reactive programming framework heavily inspired by JavaScript's MobX
- Try-Tiny-Warningsv0.1.0 November 26th, 2016
- extension to Try::Tiny to also catch warnings
- Language-l33tv1.0.1 November 26th, 2016
- a l33t interpreter
- Dancer2-Session-Serealv0.003 November 5th, 2016
- Dancer 2 session storage in files with Sereal
- JSON-Schema-Shorthandv0.0.2 September 18th, 2016
- Alternative, condensed format for JSON Schemas
- Dancer2-Plugin-Cache-CHIv2.0.0 August 3rd, 2016
- Dancer plugin to cache response content (and anything else)
- Catalyst-Plugin-VersionedURIv1.2.0 May 25th, 2016
- add version component to uris
- Dancer-Plugin-Swaggerv0.2.0 April 2nd, 2016
- create Swagger documentation of the app REST interface
- Dancer-Template-Handlebarsv0.2.2 February 27th, 2016
- Wrapper for the Handlebars template system
- Dancer2-Plugin-Adapterv0.007 January 19th, 2016
- Wrap any simple class as a service for Dancer2
- MooseX-Storage-Traits-WithRolesv0.2.0 January 15th, 2016
- A custom trait to include roles in serialization
- MooseX-Attribute-Localizev0.1.2 January 9th, 2016
- localize attribute values within a scope
- MooseX-Attribute-Handles-Expandv0.0.3 January 4th, 2016
- Expands '*' in handle functions with the attribute name
- SmokeRunner-Multiv0.21 November 11th, 2015
- Manage smoke tests across multiple branches/checkouts/projects
- Catalyst-Plugin-Sitemapv1.0.2 October 26th, 2015
- Sitemap support for Catalyst.
- Dancer-Plugin-Showtermv0.0.2 October 8th, 2015
- Replay terminal typescript captures
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NextVersion-Semanticv0.2.5 June 15th, 2015
- update the next version, semantic-wise
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Dancerv0.0013 May 23rd, 2015
- dzil plugins used by Dancer projects
- Dancer-Plugin-Test-Jasminev0.2.0 May 6th, 2015
- Inject and run Jasmine tests in your web pages
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ShareDir-Tarballv0.6.0 April 1st, 2015
- Bundle your shared dir into a tarball
- App-Chorusv1.1.0 January 13th, 2015
- Markdown-based slidedeck server app
- Pod-POM-View-XMLv0.0.2 December 23rd, 2014
- XML view of a Pod Object Model
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFilev0.3.0 October 25th, 2014
- add a file listing all contributors
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoalescePodv0.2.2 October 12th, 2014
- merge .pod files into their .pm counterparts
- Dancer-Template-Masonv0.004001 August 16th, 2014
- Mason wrapper for Dancer
- App-Ringleaderv0.1.0 August 16th, 2014
- Proxy for sproradically-used web application
- Dancer-Plugin-RESTv0.11 March 25th, 2014
- A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer
- Test-Wrapperv0.3.0 March 12th, 2014
- Use Test::* tests outside of a TAP context
- Dancer-Logger-Syslogv0.6 March 12th, 2014
- Dancer logger engine for Sys::Syslog
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoderwallEndorsev0.2.0 December 15th, 2013
- Adds a Coderwall 'endorse' button to README Markdown file
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-HelpWantedv0.3.1 September 25th, 2013
- insert 'Help Wanted' information in the distribution's META
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-DBICv0.1.3 August 24th, 2013
- authenticate via DBIx::Class
- Dancer-Plugin-FontSubsetv0.1.2 July 27th, 2013
- Generate font subsets on-the-fly
- File-ShareDir-Tarballv0.2.2 January 14th, 2013
- Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballs
- Test-Pod-Snippetsv0.07 September 9th, 2012
- Generate tests from pod code snippets
- Dancer-Template-TemplateDeclarev0.3.2 July 24th, 2012
- Template::Declare wrapper for Dancer
- WWW-Ohloh-APIv0.3.2 June 26th, 2012
- Ohloh API implementation
- Perl-Achievementsv0.4.0 June 6th, 2012
- whoever die()s with the most badges win
- GnuPGv0.19 April 15th, 2012
- Perl module interface to the GNU Privacy Guard (v1.x.x series)
- Business-CanadaPostv1.06 December 1st, 2011
- Fetch shipping costs for Canada Post
- Pod-Manualv0.08 December 19th, 2007
- Aggregates several PODs into a single manual
- Games-Perlwarv0.03 October 1st, 2007
- Perlwar is inspired by the classic Corewar game. In this game, players pit snippets of Perl code (called 'agents') against each other in order to gain control of the vicious virtual battlefield known as... the Array.