Faster, hairy yak, shave, SHAVE!
Faster, hairy yak, shave, SHAVE!
As reported yesterday, this week-end's activities could be summarized as me going to town on a yak herd with a lawnmower. And although the rest of Saturday and this morning haven't been as fast and furious as Saturday morning, there's a few more things to report:
The wish of
Genehack has been
and a new version of Perl::Achievements is out, including the
sub-command 'report
', which spits out an html version of the user's current
achievements (the GitHub page of the project is now a sample of the output).
I already mentioned that one of the steps in churning that out was to
release Template::Caribou to CPAN (actually, I just realized I
forgot to do that. oops ... Mistake corrected, now). Something additional I
should point out is that its tests are leveraging the
awesomeness of Test::Routine. As Template::Caribou
itself is a
role, everything mashes together rather niftily in the test
file. I
like, I like a lot.
And then, yesterday night, Gabor gently poked me about the fact that Galuga's
feed and the IronMan's aggregator don't seem to understand each other very
well. for some mysterious reason, the aggregator reposts the last few entries
each time I write something new. Very aggravating, moreover considering that
the source feed itself seems sane. Oh well, in an effort to fix that, I've
switched the RSS-generating engine of Galuga from
XML::Atom::SimpleFeed to XML::Feed. ... and promptly
found out that old versions of XML::Atom
plays havok with the output of
No problem, I upgraded and filed a bug report.
And then I wondered, "isn't there a cli tool out there to fetch the changelog of a
distribution from MetaCPAN?". I searched a little bit
but without success. So I rewrote
it. My
version of the tool peek on MetaCPAN for a file named Changes
or Changelog
, try to load it via CPAN::Changes and show the part
of the changelog above and beyond the version currently installed (unless the
option is passed). If the changelog doesn't pass muster with
(tsk, tsk), it's just dumped verbatim.
$ pm_changelog XML::LibXML
installed version: 1.88
latest version: 1.90
1.89 2011-12-24T09:46:26Z
- Apply a patch with spelling fixes by Kevin Lyda : - - Thanks to Kevin.
- Apply a pull request by ElDiablo with the implementation of
- lib/XML/LibXML/ .
- Adjust the Win32 Build Instructions in the README file. - Thanks to
Christopher J. Madsen.
1.90 2012-01-08T20:57:58Z
- Pull a commit from Aaron Crange to fix compilation bugs in Devel.xs: -
local variable declarations must be in the PREINIT section, not `CODE`,
at least for some compiler/OS combinations. - Thanks, Aaron!
So, yeah... how's your week-end going?