This article is introducing STYGMA, a new series of blog entries where I'll foolhardingly pretend to be an expert and present the gist of a technical thingy -- library, framework, tool, or whatever strikes my fancy -- with a tone, pace and rigour so fast and furious you'll find yourself reaching for the gear shift.
Why call the series STYGMA? Well, stick around to the end of the article, and it'll all become clear. Kind of.
(by the by, if you do happen to enjoy this blog entry, you might also like the talk I gave to the Toronto Perl Mongers earlier this year, or even the Perl clone of Redux I came up with)
KISS me, you fool
What is Redux? It's a JavaScript framework meant to manage the state of applications (or just any other type of program, really, it's not picky).
As far as frameworks go, it's a helluva of a light one. Almost more of a methodology, really. Most of the mechanics of Redux have a very strong taste of functional programming, which is cool. They also aim at making things as simple and fool-proof as possible, which is even better. Most of it is achieved using just plain JavaScript (well, modern-flavored Ecmascript6. Spartan is good, ascetic is pushing it too far), and the bits that comes with the library Redux are mostly fairly basic helper functions. Bottom line, if you already have a good base of JavaScript, Redux will feel like trying a new beer at your local pub instead of, say, being thrown in the vat of an unknown brewery.
Keeping our sh--, I mean, stuff together
The first thing Redux does is to realize that the state of an application often looks like a teenager's room. There a global variable here, a heap of objects there, and in that corner... is that an open socket slowly leaking? That's organizational disgrace. Instead, with Redux the whole state of the app is crammed in a store, which is a plain data structure. If we'd be working on a spaceship game, it could look like the following
game: {
turn: 3,
players: [ 'yenzie', 'bob' ],
objects: [
name: 'Enkidu',
coords: [ 0, 0 ],
heading: 90,
velocity: 3
name: 'siduri',
coords: [ 10, 0 ],
heading: 0,
velocity: 0
In addition of being a plain structure -- typically an object, but it can also be an array, or even a single scalar -- it has to be serializable. That means no functions, no funky business, no nothing but stuff that can survive serialization/deserialization.
Straightforward, pragmatic, put together yet not overly clever -- think of it of a Han Solo where carbonite is switched for JSON.
Look, but don't touch
Second crucial concept of Redux: we won't touch the state object of the store directly.
Instead, we adopt an interaction style strongly endorsed by anyone ever having dealt with Hannibal Lecter. Keep your source of truth in total isolation. You can look at it and interrogate it, but physical interactions are strictly forbidden. Communication coming from the outside world is done via messages passed through a little transparent box.
Those messages, in Redux-land, are called actions, and they specify the
modifications we want to bring to the store's state. They are (again) plain JavaScript
objects, and their only required feature is to have a type
The type is typically an uppercased string. Mostly because things work better
when you shout.
We have our state. And we have an action. So how we change the former with the latter?
We don't.
Yes, I know, I said-- and you thought-- and it's kinda obvious that we should--
You know what, don't reach for the aspirins yet. Let me explain.
Quick interlude: functional programming's metathesiophobia
This is pretty much where functional programming barges in. One of the big credos of that programming style is that a constant source of programmatic pain is the mutability of variables. Indeed, consider the following snippet.
const message = "Hello world";
console.log( message );
Isn't beautiful? As easy to understand as it is unambiguous, its simplicity is downright poetic.
Now, constrast it with this next snippet.
let message = [ 'Hello', 'world' ];
do_things( message );
console.log( message.join( ' ' ) );
Do you feel it? The crushing grasp of existential angst closing around your
soul? What are the things that do_things()
does? Is it modifying the
message? How can we be sure what the console will print? Why is the world
spinning that fast? The walls, they're closing on us! Noooooo....
Okay, I might have simplified things a trifle here and added a dab of drama there. But the point to take home is that there is some wisdom in trying to keep the mutability of things under control. There are good arguments for it, and one day I might write a blog entry about the joys of immutability, but for now, let's return to Redux.
Transimmutability, part II: inducing the seducing reducers
As I was saying before the segue, we won't alter the state. Instead, we'll build a new state based on both the old state and the action via the transmutative powers of a function called a reducer.
Sounds scary, but it's not. A reducer is just a function that takes in the previous state and an action, and spits out the resulting new state.
let new_state = reducer( old_state, action );
I say a simple function, but it needs to obey two important directives. Just like you should never get your Gremlin wet, or feed it after midnight, there are two things you must not do with your reducer.
The reducer must have no side effects. That is, it must not change any global variable, not print anything to the console, not write to disk, not send anything over the network. It spits out the new state, and does NOTHING else.
The outcome of the reducer must be deterministic. This is to say, for a given pair of
, it should always, always return the samenew_state
. So no stochastic leger de main with random numbers, or different behavior depending of the time of day. We want consistency, capiche?
Incidentally, if you're interested to speak the lingo of functional programming, this is called a pure function.
Let's get our hands dirty
That all sounds nice, but it's time for a concrete example. Let's make a shopping cart! Not terribly exciting nor original, but it'll serve its purpose right.
Our cart's state will be simple: a list of items, and a summary section.
// initial state
let state = {
summary: {
total: 0,
nbr_items: 0,
items: [],
To change our state, we need actions. At this point, adding items to the poor empty cart would probably be the obvious thing to do.
let action = {
type: 'ADD_TO_CART',
payload: {
item: 'TSHIRT',
price: 20.21,
So far, so good. The action describe what we wanna do. Now let's write the reducer to turn that wanna into a tadah.
Quick interlude: back to functional programming's metathesiophobia
I know what you are thinking. "Why are we doing such convoluted assignments? Why not just do the following?"
function reducer( state, action ) {
switch( action.type ) {
case 'ADD_TO_CART': += action.payload.price;
state.items.push( action.payload );
return state;
default: return state;
That's because we don't want to alter the old state
, and that's exactly what
that simpler code will do as collateral damage.
Why we don't want to change the old state? Well.. I'll explain that in a few sections, but trust me, we really don't.
The funny thing is, though: for all the engouement for functional programming going on in the JavaScript world, the language itself is not very strong on immutability. Ditto, by extension, for Redux. We are supposed to keep our values immutable, but by default the only tools we have for that is pretty much our our own sense of virtue. Not a comforting thought. If you want to hedge your chances, there are a few libraries that can help (e.g. Immutable.js and seamless Immutable) as well as Redux plugins that help integrate them with the framework.
Evolving the cart
Let's add two more actions to make things a tad more sophisticated.
let set_clear_cart = {
type: 'CLEAR_CART',
let set_tax_action = {
type: 'TAX',
payload: {
percent: 0.10,
Let's also upgrade the reducer to deal with them.
Previous version.
Vroooooom, Go cart!
And we have ourselves a nice little Redux store.
With only three actions it might still be pretty trivial, but
it's enough to be functional.
By the by, see what I did there? Three actions...? Trivial..?
moving on.
Divide and conquer
Not bad. But we can see, as the state gets big and the list of actions grows, that reducer is going to become quite the beastie.
Nicely enough, the reducer has some amenable properties that allows to cut it into smaller
parts. Like, notice how the summary
and the items
parts of the state both react to
actions, but don't interact with each other? What means that we can split the functionality
and deal with the state subsections individually.
Already a little easier to chew on, isn't? Basically, each sub-reducer only deals with its part of the state, and the state can be recursively divided in as many subsections as wanted.
And we don't need to do it upfront either; it's pretty easy
to refactor and add sub-reducers as the state evolves and grows. For example, that summary_reducer
above still
feels too big? Null problemo.
Because the sub-reducers are independent of each other (and don't rely anything beside the state and action they are given as parameters), it also means that each of them is easy to test on its own. That's nice.
Easier still
With the use of Redux helper functions and some ES6 tricks, we can shorten that code even more. I won't go into details, but here how a full-squished version of our code could look like.
A game with savepoints
Time to draw the spotlight on one of Redux's killer features: its mastery over, appropriately enough, Time.
Remember how the state of the application (or program) is entirely contained by the Redux store, and is crafted such that it's serializable? That means that at any given time you can potentially save the store, and later on load it in another instance of the application and you are going to be exactly in the same state. Guaranteed.
If you ain't on your knees crying tears of joy right now, I can only imagine it's because you never did any testing or went on a bug hunt before.
But wait, it gets better!
Any bug hunter will tell you: the state of the application is only half of the story. You also need to know how you got to that point. No problem. We can easily save the store every time there is a change, and we can use those different still frames to reproduce the film of events. (incidentally, the big deal we made of respecting the immutability of the previous states earlier on? that's one of the big reasons why)
Wait, wait, wait! we can do betterer still!
Remember how we harped long and hard about the reducer having to be without side effects, and being deterministic? Well, that means that if I give you an initial state, and a list of actions that have been generated, then you can always figure out the final state via
state = actions.reduce(
( state, action ) => reducer( state, action ),
That means that you can have a view of the store before and after every action (or group of actions). If you craft your actions to be meaningful, that can make the logic pretty nice to follow. Not to mention that it makes testing of particular scenarios a breeze.
And did I mentioned that you can have all that goodness for free and wrapped in a purty package as that recording/playback/diff'ing functionality is readily available as browser plugins (Firefox and chrome).
Expecting the unexpected
I'm sure that at this point you're all amazed and sold. But if I give you some time to think about it, you'll realize the pretty humongous pachyderm I left in the room. All those side-effects I poo-poo'ed? Those random behaviors I sneered at? Those network interactions I banned? I might wish we could do without them, but unless your app is boring to the extreme, chances are you can't, and want to have them integrated to your state management.
Fortunately, there's a loophole.
See, what we insist on is for the reducer be a pure function, but we never said anything about what happens before we hit it.
What we'll do is to add a new stage between the application code itself and the reducer. In this stage we'll stuff functions that we'll call middleware. These middleware will intercept actions as they pass by, be given perusal access to the store, as well as the ability to dispatch new actions.
That's all there is to the general concept of middlewares. As to their use and implementation, that's another story. Which I might tell in a subsequent STYGMA blog entry. But for now I'll just briefly give an example so that you have an idea what it looks like.
This example will be the super-happy cheerful not grim at all implementation of the store of a Russian Roulette game.
The state of the game will have a loaded_chamber
relative to the current chamber, as well
as a alive
flag. To communicate with the store, we'll have two actions: LOAD_GUN
We begin with the reducer's boilerplate. We define
a original state as the default state
, but
otherwise have all actions pass through.
Now let's add two middlewares. One that starts the game with some randomness, and another that pushes something to the network when the player, ahem, suffer defeat.
We import the helper tools from Redux.
And that's it. We can now play a game!
Listenin' in
There is one last itsy core component to Redux: it's possible to subscribe listener functions to
the store. Those functions are called each time the store's state change. For example,
the end_of_game
middleware of the last section could be replaced by a subscriber that
goes "are they dead yet?" each time something happen.
In fact, since the listener can also dispatch actions to the store... why not save a few clicks to the user, and automatically play the game to its logical, nihilistic conclusion?
let was_alive_at_last_news = true;
store.subscribe( () => {
if ( !was_alive_at_last_news ) return;
if ( store.getState().alive ) {
// still alive? AW RIGHT!
store.dispatch( { type: 'PULL_TRIGGER' } );
"Cleaning requested at aisle 5..."
was_alive_at_last_news = false;
Of course, there are plenty more details, and undoubtly a gazillion things I'm forgetting. Still, for an introduction, it'll have to do.
So There You Go, Mes Ami(e)s: Redux.
Simple action.