Taming Pod::Weaver
Taming Pod::Weaver
Let's begin by stating the obvious: rjbs is a brilliant man, and his contributions to Perl are as numerous as they are significant. His Dist::Zilla alone has poured bucketfuls of much needed grease into the process of releasing Perl modules, and has thus spared the perl community enough grey hair to seriously jeopardize the revenu stream of all major men's hair treatment companies. I would be the first in line to get his initials tattoed on my shoulder if it wouldn't sound so creepy. And disturbing. And hard to explain to my wife.
Anyway, bottom-line is: rjbs rocks, and the stuff he churns is awesome.
This being said, awesome is not perfect. Talking specifically about the ecodological system surrounding Dist::Zilla, I don't think I'd shock or surprise anybody if I was to say that the whole shebang is a little hard to grok. In that respect, slipping into the Dist::Zilla universe is like sitting into the batmobile. You know it's a lean, mean, crime-fighting machine, but where the deuce is the ignition key?
Mind you, by now it's not so bad if you
want to take the batmobile dzil
out for a ride, as there is
the dzil website as well as many blog posts on the topic.
But if you want to flip up the hood and tinker with the mechanics? Oh boy. The documentation is rather minimal (can't blame the man, mind you. He's there to fight crime, not write car manuals). And rjbs's coding style has a strong personal flavor that does take some time to get used to. And the whole thing has strong depencendies on more magnificent yet pod-scarce, rjbsyncratic modules (hello Config::MVP!).
Pod::Weaver, which does to POD what Dist::Zilla does to distribution files, is all that, only moreso. But it feels so powerful, holds so much promises to make my life easier once I manage to master it, that I won't let the steep learning curve deter me. I'll climb down my brain bicycle, and push it up that hill. And I'll provide a running (well, walking slowly) commentary as I go along, in the hope that it'll help other peeps who might want to venture is those exciting yet dark waters.
Okay. Enough preamble. Let's get cracking.
Step 1: Let's Run Something
If Perl modules are bottles of ketchup, their synopsis is usually the helpful initial tap that get the red stuff flowing.
Unfortunately, a glimpse of Pod::Weaver's synopsis doesn't lead to a sharp ah AH!, but more of a subdued whu?. So we have to dig a little deeper to understand to use it.
First thing is to understand the actors of that particular drama. Pod::Weaver itself is the rendering engine. Its purpose is to take a Perl file, like say:
#syntax: perl
package Frobuscate::Util;
# ABSTRACT: all you need to frobuscate your data
use Frobuscate::Util qw/ frob /;
my $frobbed = frob( $stuff );
use 5.12.0;
and munge the POD according to a configuration/doc template file, usually
named 'weaver.ini
'. In that template file, Pod::Weaver plugins are declared
that will either insert specific pieces of POD in the generated document, or
perform certain transmutations of the original POD/code. For example, one of
the simplest 'weaver.ini
' we could have is:
#syntax: bash
The configuration item 'Leftovers', which comes from
outputs all the POD sections that haven't
been touched by Pod::Weaver
yet. As for now it's the only directive, it'll
simply print out the original POD. Not terribly exciting, granted, but it's a start.
So, we have our different ingredients. How do we put them together?
To get something working, I had to cheat and peek at how App::podweaver was doing it. Simplifying its code, I was able to come up with the following minimal script to generate and output the weaved POD:
#syntax: perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Weaver;
use File::Slurp;
use PPI::Document;
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
# create Pod::Weaver engine, taking 'weaver.ini' config
# into account
my $weaver = Pod::Weaver->new_from_config;
my $perl = File::Slurp::read_file( $filename );
# get PPI DOM of the file to process
my $ppi = PPI::Document->new( \$perl );
# get its POD as an Pod::Elemental DOM object
my $pod = Pod::Elemental->read_string(
join '', @{ $ppi->find( 'PPI::Token::Pod' ) || [] }
# ...and remove it from the PPI
$ppi->prune( 'PPI::Token::Pod' );
# weaver, do your stuff
my $doc = $weaver->weave_document({
pod_document => $pod,
ppi_document => $ppi,
# print the generated POD
print $doc->as_pod_string;
The method weave_document()
is where all the magic happens.
The key thing to know is that the Perl file that we wish to feed the
method needs to be pre-divided and massaged into two object: an
object that contains the code of the file, and an
object which contains its POD.
And indeed, if we try it out:
#syntax: bash
$ perl weave.pl Util.pm
use Frobuscate::Util qw/ frob /;
my $frobbed = frob( $stuff );
Yay! It works!
In the next installment: we'll beef up our 'weaver.ini
', and begin to use
section plugins.