Making Oozie Logs A Little Easier On The Eyes
February 11th, 2014
Today we're having a quick one.
Earlier during the day, I had to peruse an Oozie log for the first time. And it looked like:
2014-02-11 20:13:14,211 INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:] Start action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
2014-02-11 20:13:14,212 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:***]Action status=DONE
2014-02-11 20:13:14,212 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@:start:***]Action updated in DB!
2014-02-11 20:13:14,271 INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] Start action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
2014-02-11 20:13:15,079 WARN HiveActionExecutor:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] credentials is null for the action
2014-02-11 20:13:18,306 INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] checking action, external ID [job_201401070500_217582] status [RUNNING]
2014-02-11 20:13:18,408 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action***]Action status=RUNNING
2014-02-11 20:13:18,409 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action***]Action updated in DB!
2014-02-11 20:13:34,367 INFO CallbackServlet:539 - USER[-] GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] callback for action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action]
2014-02-11 20:13:34,424 INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] action completed, external ID [job_201401070500_217582]
2014-02-11 20:13:34,443 INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@a-first-action] action produced output
2014-02-11 20:13:34,653 INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] Start action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
2014-02-11 20:13:35,418 WARN HiveActionExecutor:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] credentials is null for the action
2014-02-11 20:13:38,628 INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] checking action, external ID [job_201401070500_217583] status [RUNNING]
2014-02-11 20:13:38,731 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action***]Action status=RUNNING
2014-02-11 20:13:38,731 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action***]Action updated in DB!
2014-02-11 20:13:57,659 INFO CallbackServlet:539 - USER[-] GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] callback for action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action]
2014-02-11 20:13:57,712 INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] action completed, external ID [job_201401070500_217583]
2014-02-11 20:13:57,729 WARN HiveActionExecutor:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] Launcher ERROR, reason: Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HiveMain], exit code [10044]
2014-02-11 20:13:57,895 INFO ActionEndXCommand:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@some-action] ERROR is considered as FAILED for SLA
2014-02-11 20:13:57,964 INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail] Start action [0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
2014-02-11 20:13:57,965 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail***]Action status=DONE
2014-02-11 20:13:57,965 WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail] [***0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W@fail***]Action updated in DB!
2014-02-11 20:13:58,036 WARN CoordActionUpdateXCommand:542 - USER[running_user] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[-] E1100: Command precondition does not hold before execution, [, coord action is null], Error Code: E1100
Finished: FAILURE
Okay, Java peeps have a predilection for verbose logs, but surely there is a way to make the whole thing a little more readable for poor, poor human eyes...
So I hacked the following:
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
my @lines = map { parse_line($_) } <>;
# the job id is big, and doesn't give us much, remove
for my $useless ( map { $_->{JOB} } @lines ) {
for ( @lines ) {
$_->{msg} =~ s/\Q$useless//g;
$_->{ACTION} =~ s/^\Q$useless//;
my %previous;
for my $l ( @lines ) {
# we'll only print metadata that changed
my @changes = grep { $l->{$_} ne $previous{$_} }
say join ' ', map { $_ . "[" . $l->{$_} . "] " } @changes if @changes;
say "\t", $l->{time}, " ", $l->{msg};
%previous = %$l;
sub parse_line {
my $line = shift;
# try to parse the line as a typical log line
my( $time, $info ) = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s* # the date. Don't care
(\d+:\d\d:\d\d) # the time, More interesting
,\d+\s*.*?- # log level and stuff. Meh
(.*) # the message itself
or return ();
my %data = ( time => $time );
# capture some repeated metadata
for my $k ( qw/ USER GROUP TOKEN APP JOB ACTION / ) {
$data{$k} = $1 if $info =~ s/$k\[(.*?)\]\s*//;
# useless and long, scrap it
$info =~ s/\[\*{3}.*?\*{3}\]//;
$data{msg} = $info;
return \%data;
And there we go, a log that is a mite easier on the eyes...
$ perl filter oozie_mess.log
USER[running_user] GROUP[-] APP[some-big-job-workflow] JOB[0004636-140111040403753-oozie-W] ACTION[@:start:]
20:13:14 Start action [@:start:] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
20:13:14 Action status=DONE
20:13:14 Action updated in DB!
20:13:14 Start action [@a-first-action] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
20:13:15 credentials is null for the action
20:13:18 checking action, external ID [job_201401070500_217582] status [RUNNING]
20:13:18 Action status=RUNNING
20:13:18 Action updated in DB!
20:13:34 callback for action [@a-first-action]
USER[running_user] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow]
20:13:34 action completed, external ID [job_201401070500_217582]
20:13:34 action produced output
20:13:34 Start action [@some-action] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
20:13:35 credentials is null for the action
20:13:38 checking action, external ID [job_201401070500_217583] status [RUNNING]
20:13:38 Action status=RUNNING
20:13:38 Action updated in DB!
20:13:57 callback for action [@some-action]
USER[running_user] TOKEN[] APP[some-big-job-workflow]
20:13:57 action completed, external ID [job_201401070500_217583]
20:13:57 Launcher ERROR, reason: Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HiveMain], exit code [10044]
20:13:57 ERROR is considered as FAILED for SLA
20:13:57 Start action [@fail] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
20:13:57 Action status=DONE
20:13:57 Action updated in DB!
20:13:58 E1100: Command precondition does not hold before execution, [, coord action is null], Error Code: E1100
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