N&I: Git::CPAN::Patch now detect repositories
November 11th, 2011
N&I: Git::CPAN::Patch now detect repositories

Git::CPAN::Patch could already seed a local repository with the latest distribution of a module, or its whole BackPAN history, or its GitPAN mirror. But with version 0.7.0, it can now go straight for the meat and clone the distribution's officil git repository, provided that it's specified in its META.json or META.yml. Please allow me to demonstrate:
#syntax: bash
$ mkdir local && cd local
$ git cpan-init --vcs Git::CPAN::Patch
repository found: git://github.com/yanick/git-cpan-patch.git
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from cpan.
$ ls
bin Changes contrib dist.ini distrelease.yml
t xt
To help figure out if a distribution has a repository or not, one can use the
new helper command git cpan-sources
#syntax: bash
$ git cpan-sources Git::CPAN::Patch
type: git
url: git://github.com/yanick/git-cpan-patch.git
web: http://github.com/yanick/git-cpan-patch/tree
latest release: 0.6.1 (2011-06-05)
url: http://cpan.cpantesters.org/authors/id/Y/YA/YANICK/Git-CPAN-Patch-0.6.1.tar.gz
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