Vim IDE: nerdier than NERDtree
Vim IDE: nerdier than NERDtree
Quite often, when peeps talk of using Vim as an IDE, [Nerdtree][] is pointed out as the way to navigate files. Mind you, with perfectly good reasons; that plugin is awesome and I relish using it. But I often found myself wishing the organization of my files to go beyond alphabetical sorting. I'd want to group files thematically, put the important ones up top and the boring ones way down, totally ignore the usual suspects.
As it is, there is another vim plugin, [project.vim][] that does most of that. Most, but not all. That's unacceptable, and needs to be rectified.
The setup
One of my goals here was not to reinvent the wheel, but rather add hubcaps to an already existing one. Which means that the final setup is a tad patchworky.
First it has to be said that I'm using [nvim][] rather than the classical vim.
Which is important because I'm running my [Neovim::RPC][] as well. Which is
also important because the hacking I've done atop project.vim
is in the
form of a Neovim::RPC plugin, which -- if you already have Neovim::RPC up and
running -- you can get it via:
$ git clone
$ cd Neovim-Rpc
$ git checkout pvim
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/perl5lib/Neovim/RPC/Plugin
$ cp -r lib/Neovim/RPC/Plugin/Pvim* ~/.config/nvim/perl5lib/Neovim/RPC/Plugin
Then we need to add some vim configuration.
" I'm using 'plugged' for my vim plugins
""" vim-plug {{{
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'yanick/vim-project'
call plug#end()
""" }}}
""" projects {{{
map <F10> :Project .git/vim.project<CR>
au BufNewFile,BufRead vim.project set filetype=project
au FileType project set noswapfile
au FileType project nmap <buffer><F5> :call PvimRefresh()<CR>
au FileType project vmap <buffer><F4> :call PvimSection()<CR>
function! PvimRefresh()
call Nvimx_request( 'load_plugin', 'Pvim' )
call Nvimx_request('pvim_update')
function! PvimSection() range
call Nvimx_request( 'load_plugin', 'Pvim' )
call Nvimx_request( 'pvim_section', a:firstline, a:lastline )
""" }}}
Oh yeah, and because I'm a lazy bugger, I also defined
[neosnippets][] to go with project
snippet section
options head
${1:name} Files=${2:$1} {
snippet project
alias pro
options head
${1:project}=`getcwd()` CD=.
And just like that, we're good to go.
The way it works
Assuming that vim
is open in the root directory of your project,
hitting F10
triggers the project sidebar. The behavior and display
of that sidebar is driven by the project.vim
plugin, except for what will be
said here. The project file, by the way, is assumed to be .git/vim.project
refreshes the listing of files. All files already
listed will stay in the sections where they are. The global listing order is ungrouped files, sections, and ignore patterns.
New files are plonked in the most specific
section it belongs to. Files that disappeared will be prepended with a #
Files and directories can be ignored via a #! <regex>
line -- where the
regex is anchored at the beginning of the file name.
Selecting lines in visual mode and hitting F4
will create a section, and
will set the directory of that section to be the deepest common subdirectory
to all files selected.
And that's it. Wanna see it in action?