Making Docsets
UPDATE: I've added a link to the generated Swagger docset, as it was requested in the comment section.
Call me old-fashioned, but it always make me slightly uncomfortable to rely on online documentation. I always feel like I'm yelling *"HEY, WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE JQUERY FUNCTION THAT FIND ALL THE ELEMENTS AFTER FOO?"* across three floors. It feels... rude. Not to mention a waste of perfectly good vocal chords.
In that regard, I'm rather fond of Dash and its Linux counterpart, Zeal. And it's rather nice that the documentation format it uses (called 'docsets') is HTML. Which means that it's easy to create new ones.
Which is a good thing, because I'm currently learning Swagger, and there is no docset for its specs.
So I decided to go ahead and write that docsets.
And a module that would make the indexing and paraphernalial files formation more automatic.
And, y'know, make it pretty too.
So, I grabbed the Markdown-formatted specs off GitHub and went to work:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.20.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Dash::Docset::Generator;
use Text::MultiMarkdown qw/ markdown /;
use Path::Tiny;
use Web::Query::LibXML;
use List::Util qw/ pairs /;
my $docset = Dash::Docset::Generator->new(
name => "Swagger 2.0",
platform_family => 'swagger',
output_dir => '.',
homepage => '',
# specs were already processed by Text::MultiMarkdown
my $index = new_doc();
$index->find('body')->append( path('index.html')->slurp );
I could have kept the whole specs in a single document, but where would be the
fun in that? Instead, I used Web::Query
to chop sections into their own
my %files = ( 'index.html' => $index );
# process all the schema objects
warn $_->text;
return unless $_->text =~ / ^ (.*) \s+ Object \s* $ /x;
my $file = $1.'.html' =~ s/ /_/gr;
my $t = $_->text;
$_->find('a')->attr( 'docset-type' => 'Object' );
$_->find('a')->attr( 'docset-name' => $t );
my $content = wq('<html><head/><body/></html>');
$files{$file} = $content;
$content->find( 'a' )->each( sub {
my $ref = $_->attr('name') or return;
my $xpath = "//a[\@href='#$ref']";
$_->attr('href', $file . $_->attr('href') );
}) for values %files;
# process the type section
my $type = wq('<html><head/><body/></html>');
my $x = $index->find('h3')->filter(sub{ $_->text =~ /Data Types/ });
my $t = $x->text;
my $a = $x->prepend( '<a/>' );
$a->attr( 'docset-type' => 'Type' );
$a->attr( 'docset-name' => $t );
my $block = $x->add( $x->next_until('h3') );
$files{'types.html'} = $type;
$type->find( 'a' )->each( sub {
my $ref = $_->attr('name') or return;
my $xpath = "//a[\@href='#$ref']";
$_->attr('href', 'types.html' . $_->attr('href') );
}) for values %files;
And then I fed those documents into my new Dash-Docset-Generator,
$docset->add_doc( $_->[0], $_->[1] ) for pairs %files;
Added some pizzazz with GitHub-inspired (well, okay, pretty much straight stolen) style:
$docset->add_css( 'github-style.css' );
And, why not, syntax highlighting:
$docset->add_js( 'prism.js' );
$docset->add_css( 'prism.css' );
And boom
sub new_doc {
wq( '<html><head/><body/></html>' );
We have a new docset:

(which can be downloaded too, if you feel like it).