From the Blogs to Your Mailbox
There is an universal rule that all application almost, almost do what you want, but not quite. For regular users, it's horripilating. For hackers, it's a tantalizing torment as our breed usually have more hubris in stock than we have tuits.
The itch of today is RSS readers. For the last few years, I've been used Akregator, and I'm pretty satisfied with it. But there a few features I would like to have access to, but I don't. Namely:
Be able to access the feeds from any of my machines, not just the local one.
Filter out the duplicate entries that I get from Perl Ironman, Perlsphere and the individual blogs I'm following.
So I thought: what if I found a way to get the blog entries, and plop them on mailboxes on my mail server? That would take care of ubiquitous access. And since I would have control on the software, I could probably manage to filter out dupes.
So yesterday I sat down and began to hack on this. The result is mailfeed (clever project name pending). I'm still not sure if it's a good idea, but at least its execution showcase how much niftiness can be crammed within 144 lines of code.
But let me show you...
General Framework
As I don't have a lot of time to throw at this problem, I don't want to struggle very long with configurations and setting up the thing. So I decided to go with a simple yaml configuration file:
#syntax: plain
app_dir: /home/yanick/work/feed2mail
- "fearful symmetry":
- "ironman":
and then let MooseX::ConfigFromFile take care of the rest:
#syntax: perl
package App::MailFeed;
use YAML::Syck qw/ LoadFile /;
use Moose;
with qw/ MooseX::ConfigFromFile /;
has feeds => (
traits => ['Array'],
is => 'ro',
handles => {
all_feeds => 'elements',
has app_dir => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
sub get_config_from_file { LoadFile( $_[1] ) }
Okay, we have our backbone. Now we can begin to play.
Let's Have Some Persistance
Actually, before we begin to play for real, we need another framework piece to store information between runs, so that we don't reimport blog entries over and over again. CHI is perfect for that, and since we want to begin small, CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB should be Good Enough(tm) to begin with.
#syntax: perl
has cache => (
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
driver => 'BerkeleyDB',
root_dir => $_[0]->app_dir,
handles => {
set_cache => 'set',
cached => 'get',
Visiting the Feeds
At a high level, this is easily done:
#syntax: perl
method import_feeds {
$self->import_feed( %$_ ) for $self->all_feeds;
The import itself is better left to the professional: XML::Feed. Not only it does all the hard work for us, but it groks both RSS and Atom formats, so we don't even have to worry about that.
#syntax: perl
method import_feed( $name, $url ) {
$self->log_debug( "importing feed $name" );
my $feed = XML::Feed->parse( URI->new($url ) )
or return $self->log_debug( "couldn't parse feed at '$url'" );
$self->import_feed_entry( $name => $_ )
for $feed->entries;
That works. But it's kinda wasteful to always get the whole feed. We might want to add a check that the feed was actually modified since the last run:
#syntax: perl
use LWP::Simple qw/ head /;
method import_feed( $name, $url ) {
$self->log_debug( "importing feed $name" );
my $feed_key = "feed:$url";
my $feed_modified = $self->feed_last_modified( $url );
if( my $last_cache = $self->cached($feed_key) ) {
if( $last_cache == $feed_modified ) {
$self->log_debug( "feed hasn't been updated, skipping" );
my $feed = XML::Feed->parse( URI->new($url ) ) or do {
$self->log_debug( "couldn't parse feed at '$url'" );
$self->import_feed_entry( $name => $_ ) for $feed->entries;
$self->set_cache( $feed_key => $feed_modified ) if $feed_modified;
method feed_last_modified( $url ) { (head($url))[2] }
There. Much more civilized.
Transmuting Feed Entries to Mails
Generating emails, and interacting with mailboxes are hard tasks.
Thanks to Email::MIME and Email::LocalDelivery,
however, that's not my problem. Email::LocalDelivery
, incidentally,
is good enough to deal with maildir and mbox-type mailboxes with equal ease.
#syntax: perl
method import_feed_entry ( $name, $entry ) {
$self->log_debug( "processing " . $entry->title );
my $link = $entry->link;
if( $self->cached( $link ) ) {
$self->log_debug( "entry already seen, skipping" );
my $email = $self->entry_to_email( $entry );
Email::LocalDelivery->deliver( $email => $name );
$self->set_cache( $link => time );
The cache, bless its little heart, is preventing multiple imports
of the same blog entries. The thing it doesn't take care of (yet)
is recognizing urls that are not identical, but resolve to the same
page (
, for example).
That's something that might be dealt with in the future by a set of
user-provided url filters.
And with this, only the actual conversion from feed entry to mail is left to be done:
#syntax: perl
method entry_to_email( $entry ) {
my $link = $entry->link;
$link = "<a href='$link'>$link</a><br/><br/>"
if $entry->content->type eq 'text/html';
return Email::MIME->create(
header => [
From => sprintf( ' <%s>',
$entry->author || ''),
To => '',
Subject => $entry->title,
parts => [
attributes => {
content_type => $entry->content->type
body => join "\n\n",
$link, $entry->content->body,
Feed Me!
And that's it. We put all our pieces together, and...
#syntax: bash
$ perl feeds.yml
[26809] importing feed fearful symmetry
[26809] processing Cross-breeding Template::Declare with Moose
[26809] processing Deploying Stuff With Git
[26809] importing feed ironman
[26809] processing Pradeep Pant: Resource on debugging, profiling and benchmarking in Perl
[26809] processing geistteufel: SlidesShow - HTML5
[26809] processing YAPC::EU 2012: Video Recordings for YAPC::Europe 2012
[26809] processing John Wang: Base58: Fast Hashing with GMP
[26809] processing Jamadam: PogoPlugでウェブサーバー
$ perl feeds.yml
[26848] importing feed fearful symmetry
[26848] feed hasn't been updated, skipping
[26848] importing feed ironman
[26848] processing Pradeep Pant: Resource on debugging, profiling and benchmarking in Perl
[26848] entry already seen, skipping
[26848] processing geistteufel: SlidesShow - HTML5
[26848] entry already seen, skipping
[26848] processing YAPC::EU 2012: Video Recordings for YAPC::Europe 2012
[26848] entry already seen, skipping
[26848] processing John Wang: Base58: Fast Hashing with GMP
[26848] entry already seen, skipping
[26848] processing Jamadam: PogoPlugでウェブサーバー
[26848] entry already seen, skipping