PokeJSON Schema Final Form: Type Annotations
PokeJSON Schema Final Form: Type Annotations
If you follow my blog, you know I have a thing for JSON Schema.
It's language-agnostic, and thus allows to use the same
type logic across different languages. Plus, it's defined by dirt-simple
data structures. That's the JSON
part of its name, which frankly could have been
Plain Old Object
if not for the fact that POO Schema
is... mayhaps less marketing-savvy than
JSON Schema
. Anyway, the point is: since those schemas are piles of POO,
they can be created and modified
programmatically if one feels inclined to dabble in the dark reflective arts.
Of course, me being me, the nano-second I decided JSON Schemas might be worth, I was tinkering with ways to make it more ergonomic.
Make it short, make it sweet
The very first thing I did was to let out a deep sigh at the verbosity of it all, and came up with shortcuts, which are bundled in the npm module [json-schema-shorthand][]. Because, frankly, why would anyone want to write
const schema = {
description: "a thing",
type: "object",
properties: { foo: { type: "number" } },
minProperties: 3
when one could write this instead:
const schema = object( { foo: 'number' }, "a thing", { minProperties: 3 } );
So, provided the right amount of helper grease, writing the schemas themselves is not too onerous. But that's only one part of the task. What about their use to validate the input / output of functions?
The straight-forward way of doing validation is to, y'know, doing it. Assuming
that we have a validateSchema
function that does the deed, that could look like:
import { number, string } from 'json-schema-shorthand';
import validateSchema from 'god-knows-where';
const PositiveNumber = number({ minimum: 0 });
const NonEmptyString = string({ minLength: 1 });
const ReasonableString = string({ maxLength: 100 });
const myFunction = validateSchema( ReasonableString, function( s, n ){
validateSchema(NonEmptyString, s)
validateSchema(PositiveNumber, n);
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
That works. It's also a revolting jumbled mess of boilerplate that is as mind-numbing to read as it is to write. In the original blog entry where I explored the possibility, I made it marginally less horrid. But not really by much.
So, yeah, do we have other options? Like, the kind we'd actually enjoy using?
the cosmetic value of decorators
The most obvious and promising one is class decorators. Using this feature, we can have our original function, unbersmirched by unsightly boilerplate, and add those decorators neatly at the top of the declaration where it's easy to see. I explored that path in another blog entry.
Using this method, we could write the validation done in the previous section as
import { number, string } from 'json-schema-shorthand';
const PositiveNumber = number({ minimum: 0 });
const NonEmptyString = string({ minLength: 1 });
const ReasonableString = string({ maxLength: 100 });
class MyClass {
@args( NonEmptyString, PositiveNumber )
@returns( ReasonableString )
static myFunction( s, n ) {
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
Already much better, isn't? The gotcha, however, is that decorators are only available for class methods and static functions. Of course, we can always fudge things behind the curtain -- nobody needs to know that the function you export is in reality a class function. But... turning everything as a class under the hood is still a little boilerplatish. Not as oppressive as our first solution but, yeah, it feels like the moves are right, but the spirit is subtly wrong.
Can we do better?
Delicious curry and wraps
Better? I don't know. Differently? Sure!
JavaScript loves its function wrappings and currying, so why not play along? We could, say, use wrapping functions doing the check-dances around the original function. For example, a wrapper validating the return value could look like:
const with_return = function (return_type) {
return function(originalFunc) {
let return_value = originalFunc(...arguments);
if (!validator.validate( return_type, return_value) ) {
let errors = validator.errors; // promise ahead!
StackTrace.get().then( stack => {
options.on_validator_error( 'return',
{ value: return_value, errors,
stack: options.groom_stack(stack)
return return_value;
And with it (and a with_args
that does roughly the same thing, but at
the other end of the beast), we would have
const myFunction =
with_args( [ NonEmptyString, PositiveNumber ] )(
with_return( ReasonableString )(
function( s, n ) {
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
Not as ploddy as the original approach, but the parentheses juggling makes it not quite as nimble nor elegant as the class decorators.
If that won't do, how about this
What about using the proposed bind operator? The validation functions remains mostly the same:
const with_return = function (return_type) {
let originalFunc = this;
return function() {
let return_value = originalFunc(...arguments);
if (!validator.validate( return_type, return_value) ) {
let errors = validator.errors; // promise ahead!
StackTrace.get().then( stack => {
options.on_validator_error( 'return',
{ value: return_value, errors,
stack: options.groom_stack(stack)
return return_value;
And its invocation becomes:
const myFunction = function( s, n ) {
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
::with_args( NonEmptyString, PositiveNumber )
::with_return( ReasonableString );
It's cleaner, but the declaration of types is at the bottom of the function declaration, which is not the most optimal thing ever. I mean, really, what kind of monster does that?
Pipe dream
If having the types at the end doesn't bother us too much, we could use the proposed pipeline operator.
Here, the wrapping functions remain the same as originally, and their use become:
const myFunction = function( s, n ) {
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
|> with_args( NonEmptyString, PositiveNumber )
|> with_return( ReasonableString );
That's... not very different than the preceding variation, I'll give you.
But people seems to hate this
and the bind operator, so it's nice to have a
second horse in that race. I guess.
ok, enough mister nice guy
So far all those options are contained within the confines of valid JavaScript. Sure, I've twisted and bent meanings to express my dark desires, but I never broke syntactic rules. But conforming to the rules is not what the cool kids do. Look at type systems like [TypeScript][] and [Flow][]. They sneer at conformity and define their own extra syntax that is a superset of JavaScript. Forget about awkwardly dancing around the original function. They just plow ahead and boldly shove their types in:
myFunction ( s : NonEmptyString , n : PositiveNumber ) : ReasonableString {
return s.length > n ? s.substr(0,n) : s;
How do they get away with it? By having a pre-processor that cleans away those types and dumbs down the code to proper JavaScript. Which is not something us mere mortals can do.
Or can we?
You don't like the rules? Rewrite them.
Isn't there [Babel][], which sole goal in life is to munge flavors of JavaScript back into java franca?
And doesn't Babel already have plugins to munge away the type annotations for both TypeScript and Flow? In fact, isn't there even a plugin that emulates Flow validation, but at runtime?
So, very obviously, it possible to add in type annotations and have Babel turn them into whatever we want. But as it is most of the time with software development, the real question is not "can it be done?", but rather "*how hard is it?*".
Building Babel baubles
I'll be honest: Babel is no piece of cake. After all, we're talking of code munging code here -- the forbodding, dank corner of programming where hardened hackers go to cry.
At a very high level, Babel reads the input code, parses it into an Abstract Syntax Tree (also known as AST which, fittingly enough, sounds just like one of the favorite swear words of my people), and converts that data structure back into JavaScript. That's, right there, three levels of munging to grok. Fun.
Not only that, whereas some Babel plugins "only" deal with already-valid JavaScript, here we are dealing with syntax-violating additions, so for want we want, we can't weasel our way out of hard work.
Kidding. We totally can cheat our way out of it.
Here cheating comes under the guise of appropriative piggybacking. As it happens, there is already a Babel plugin that strips Flow annotations from the code. But here's the kicker: while it removes the type stuff from the code (which is something we want to do as well), it also populates the AST with all the yummy type information we crave.
In other words, if we keep our JSON Schema type annotations sufficiently close to ones used by Flow, then using that Flow plugin takes care of the hard tasks of parsing the source and populating the AST. All that is left is the much less daunting task of further manipulating the AST such that the type validation is injected back.
Prototyping those types like a typical pro
That's all sweet promises and honeyed hand-waving. Let's see how that theory survives implementation.
For that, let's pick an example of what we'd like our annotations to look like:
import { number } from 'json-schema-shorthand';
const Stuff = number({minimum: 1});
function square( n : Stuff ) {
return n * n;
console.log( square(2) ); // all good
console.log( square(-2) ); // goes *boom*
To gets us start, we
add the following to .babelrc
"plugins": [
With that Babel turns our code into
import { number } from 'json-schema-shorthand';
const Stuff = number({minimum: 1});
function square( n ) {
return n * n;
console.log( square(2) ); // all good
console.log( square(-2) ); // goes *boom*
No validation is performed, but the code compiles. We haven't written a single line of code and we're already halfway there. This bodes well.
Where the rubber hits the code
Okay. No more trick left in the cheat bag for the validation itself. We need to crack our knuckles and get to work.
Just before we begin to write code, let's reiterate in plain English what we want to achieve: we want to check out the AST of our code, and when we stumble across a function declaration with annotated arguments, we want to inject the corresponding validation.
Reasonable? Clear? Good. Now let's turn that into code.
const babylon = require('babylon');
module.exports = function ({ types: t }) {
return {
visitor: {
FunctionDeclaration(path) {
let [ p ] = path.node.params;
// no annotation? nuthin' to do
if(!p.typeAnnotation) return;
let name = p.name;
let schema_id = p.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.id.name;
path.node.body.body.unshift( babylon.parse(`{
const Ajv = require('ajv');
const ajv = new Ajv();
let valid = ajv.validate(${schema_id},${name});
if(!valid) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(ajv.errors));
In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson: "Tadah, motherfunctors".
Admittedly, this is a prototype that only considers the first argument of the function, and doesn't cover all the cases that we can encounter in the AST. But still, isn't much smaller than you expected? A disclaimer, though: the code might be short, but the time spent reading the AST API documentation was long and involved.
In any case, if we add this code as another
plugin in .babelrc
, it'll be sufficient to turn our original code into
import { number } from 'json-schema-shorthand';
const Stuff = number({minimum: 1});
function square( n ) {
const Ajv = require('ajv');
const ajv = new Ajv();
let valid = ajv.validate(Stuff,n);
if(!valid) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(ajv.errors));
return n * n;
console.log( square(2) ); // all good
console.log( square(-2) ); // goes *boom*
This will run. Will do what it's supposed to do. And yes, it will validate as well. It's also pretty darn close to the original boilerplate we wanted to run away from, but that's fine! It's not like we have to look at that post-Babel output.
TL;DR, please
To recap everything:
JSON Schema is a cromulent option when one wants to do runtime validation of function inputs and outputs.
While the required boilerplate is fugly as a run-over duckling, it is totally possible, to add those validations to vanilla JavaScript code.
If one is ready to embraces the outer edges of Ecmascript via class decorators, pipe operator, or bind operators, that ugliness can be mitigated to something far less stomach-churning.
And if one has the hubris and the mental fortitude, the very syntactic rules of reality can be grabbed and twisted to accommodate the type of notation TypeScript and Flow use.
At the time of this writing, I haven't yet began to work on a bona fide
. And I might not do it, because it's
something that will require a wee bit of time and dedication. And yet...
Perhaps. if the stars align and I grow bored or develop a need for it. Then
perhaps, yes, I'll reach out and squeeze that plugin out.
If that happens, I'll let you know.