Escape::Houdini and Related Tales of Prestidigitation
Escape::Houdini and Related Tales of Prestidigitation
Whoa, for someone who vowed to write a blog entry a week this year, I sure am getting sporadic.
Buuuut I don't angst too much about it, considering that the lack of movement above the water's surface belies the frantic paddling going underneath. Between the Dancer 1 stewardship, writing of toy apps, release of long-due patches in a slew of modules, helping with the PerlWeekly and, y'know, those other pesky Real Life things, I keep myself quite busy.
So, you understand that when I saw Mike Doherty's pitch on PrePAN for a Perl module wrapping the goodness of the minimalistic web escaping library Houdini, I just had to pass.
... and if you believe that, you obviously are new here.
Throwing Some Bindings Over A Famous Escapist
I was intrigued by the library, roused by the challenge, and while my XS
skills are worth guano, it
was just enough of a simple project that I had some chances to wing it by
stealing, adapting and sheer animalistic cargo-culting.
So meet Escape::Houdini, which sole goal on this world is to
escape (and unescape) web-related stuff (that is, html, xml, url, uri and
javascript). Compared to the already-existing HTML::Escape,
URI::Escape and their XS
brethen, this new upstarts brings two
things to the table. For one, it's a one-stop module that provides the
escaping (and unescaping) tools for all of the web thingies at a single,
convenient location. And, most importantly, it lives atop the
C library produced by the
fine GitHub
folks, which means that
it's a solid, well-known library that (thank God) is not our problem to
Incidentally, how does Escape::Houdini
perform when compared with
and URI::Escape::XS? According to very
unscientific benchmarks, it seems to be a tad slower than HTML::Escape
then, it also escapes a few more characters, so we might have a slight case of
apple/orage smoothie here), but a smidgen faster than URI::Escape::XS
both 'tad' and 'smidgen' refer to performances within 25% of each others). So,
yeah, nothing to spit at.
Oh Look, A Segue!
Talking of benchmarks and stuff, I wanted to write this blog entry a few days ago, but had to poke around with benchmarks beforehand. This gave me the occasion to play a little bit with brian d foy's Surveyor::App. It's a very nice system, but I kinda felt it has the weakness that the whole of the benchmark is contained within a single module. Which got me thinking...
... and if you are not already groaning and bracing for what's coming, you are still obviously are quite the yaneophyte.
Aaaanyway, what I thought is that there should be a decoupling of the benchmarks, which should only describe what is expected of the functions to benchmark like, say,
#syntax: perl
package Yardstick::Benchmark::WebEscaping;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
extends 'Yardstick::Benchmark';
benchmark 'basic html escape' => (
tags => [qw/ html escape /],
input => [ '<body>hello world</body>' ],
output => [ '>body<hello world>/body<' ]
benchmark 'basic html unescape' => (
tags => [qw/ html unescape /],
input => [ '>body<hello world>/body<' ],
output => [ '<body>hello world</body>' ],
and of the different contestants, which provide the functions to be measured:
#syntax: perl
package Yardstick::Benchmark::WebEscaping::Houdini;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Escape::Houdini ':all';
use Moose;
extends 'Yardstick::Contender';
has '+info' => (
default => sub {
'Escape::Houdini' => Escape::Houdini->VERSION
contender 'Escape::Houdini::escape_html()' => (
tags => [ qw/ html escape / ],
func => sub { escape_html($_[0]) },
contender 'Escape::Houdini::unescape_html()' => (
tags => [ qw/ html unescape / ],
func => sub { unescape_html($_[0]) },
That way, each new contender Foo
only needs to include a
module in its distribution, and it can be
automatically added to the benchmark. Oh, and noticed the tags? That's just a
ploy to allow for more than one type of behavior by benchmark file; the logic
being that a contender would be run against a benchmark only if
it has all the tags required by the said benchmark.
By now, I'm ambivalent whether the whole thing is an over-engineered fancy or a mild stroke of genius. So I guess... I guess I'll have to put it on PrePAN to find out. Yes, on PrePAN. The very place... where this whole adventure began.