Easy text/html multipart emails with Email::Simple::Markdown
Easy text/html multipart emails with Email::Simple::Markdown
These days, to craft basic emails, I go with Email::Simple. For the more heavy stuff with attachements and what-nots, I reach out for Email::MIME. Together, they make a pretty awesome duo. But... (come on, admit it, you knew there was going to be a 'but')
But there is a fairly common use-case that falls pretty much squarely between those two modules. To wit: creating multipart emails that have two versions of the same body: one that is normal, boring pure text, and the other that is pretty html. Email::Simple does not support multipart bodies (because, after all, it's meant to be simple), so it cannot help me there. Email::MIME, though, is perfectly up for the job:
#syntax: perl
use Email::MIME;
my $email = Email::MIME->create(
attributes => {
content_type => 'multipart/alternative',
header_str => [
From => 'me@here.com',
To => 'you@there.com',
Subject => q{Here's a multipart email},
parts => [
attributes => { content_type => 'text/plain' },
body => 'Howdie',
attributes => { content_type => 'text/html' },
body => '<b>Howdie</b>',
say $email->as_string;
It's not atrocious, but it's not lightweight either. And there is the problem that one has to make the effort to keep both bodies in sync. For simple emails, it would make much more sense to have a single source for the body, and generate both renditions off it. For that kind of thing, Markdown served me well in the past, so why not use it. To my great pleasure, I found out that Email::MIME::Kit::Assembler::Markdown already exist. Alas, it's also quite more heavy that, for the user-case at hand, I would care for.
So I created Email::Simple::Markdown. (again, raise your hand if you didn't see that coming)
It inherits from Email::Simple, and all it does is to generate the multipart message out of an original pure-text body via the goodness of Text::MultiMarkdown. Nothing arcane, but with it the code above can now be reduced to:
#syntax: perl
use Email::Simple::Markdown;
my $email = Email::Simple::Markdown->create(
header => [
From => 'me@here.com',
To => 'you@there.com',
Subject => q{Here's a multipart email},
body => '**Howdie**',
say $email->as_string;
which, I daresay, is much easier on the eyes.