Benchpressing Text::Xslate
Benchpressing Text::Xslate
My compulsive attraction to bovine pilosity is getting ridiculous.
A few years ago, during a New York City hackaton, I teamed up with Charlie Gonzalez and wrote a Pull Request to move Text::Xslate from Mouse to Moo. The PR was applauded by some, horrified others. Y'know, the usual.
So, anyway, fast-forwarding to the present days, the authorities dusted off that old piece of code and are considering maybe merged it in. But before doing so, they'd like to know if that switch is impacting performance.
What's already available
Delightfully enough, Text::Xslate
already has
benchmarks, using the Benchmark
19:04 yanick@enkidu ~/work/perl/p5-Text-Xslate
$ perl -Ilib benchmark/
Perl/5.20.2 x86_64-linux
Rate xslate mt ht
xslate 431/s -- -93% -96%
mt 6222/s 1344% -- -41%
ht 10479/s 2333% 68% --
Sweet! ... But, wait. I'll have to run that file across different versions, and cut, paste and assemble a report like a first grader at bricolage-time.
That's straight-forward, but sounds like too much work. Let's design a benchmark system instead.
Reaching for the dumb, and amplifying it
On CPAN there is the module Dumbbench that takes
care of some the mundane parts of running good benchmarks (doing warm-up runs,
detecting and removing outliers, etc). It's already providing more goodies than
alone, but it's generating ad-hoc reports, and what I would love
to is to get back results in a format where I can throw in all matters of
variables, and then create a report using some more serious tools like
And by "more serious", I totally mean "more shiny and I need an excuse to use it". Natch.
And this is why I had to write my own benchmark module. Say hello to App::Benchpress. It's not on CPAN as we speak, nor is it really in any shape to be seen in polite company, but what the heck, we're amongst friends here.
Benchmark suites
So, how does it work? First, it formalizes benchmark files into suites. For
example, the original benchmark
for Text::Xslate
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Text::Xslate;
use Benchmark qw(:all);
use Config; printf "Perl/%vd %s\n", $^V, $Config{archname};
foreach my $mod(qw(Text::Xslate)){
print $mod, '/', $mod->VERSION, "\n";
my($n, $data) = @ARGV;
$n ||= 100;
$data ||= 10;
my %vpath = (
interpolate =>
'Hello, <:= $lang :> world!' x $n
interpolate_raw =>
'Hello, <:= $lang | raw :> world!' x $n
my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
path => \%vpath,
cache_dir => '.xslate_cache',
cache => 2,
my $subst_tmpl = qq{Hello, %lang% world!\n} x $n;
my $sprintf_tmpl = qq{Hello, %1\$s world!\n} x $n;
my $vars = {
lang => 'Template' x $data,
printf "template size: %d bytes; data size: %d bytes\n",
length $vpath{interpolate}, length $vars->{lang};
# suppose PSGI response body
cmpthese -1 => {
xslate => sub {
my $body = [$tx->render(interpolate => $vars)];
'xslate/raw' => sub {
my $body = [$tx->render(interpolate_raw => $vars)];
'sprintf' => sub {
my $body = [ sprintf $sprintf_tmpl, $vars->{lang} ];
To be fit for benchpress
consumption, it has to be changed into the module
package Text::Xslate::Benchmark::Interpolate;
use App::Benchpress::Suite;
extends 'App::Benchpress::Suite';
use Text::Xslate;
use Text::Xslate;
my %vpath = (
interpolate => 'Hello, <:= $lang :> world!' x 100,
interpolate_raw => 'Hello, <:= $lang | raw :> world!' x 100,
my $vars = {
lang => 'Template' x 10,
my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
path => \%vpath,
cache_dir => '.xslate_cache',
cache => 2,
benchmark 'xslate' => sub {
sub { $tx->render(interpolate => $vars) }, {
xslate_version => Text::Xslate->VERSION
benchmark 'xslate/raw' => sub {
sub { $tx->render(interpolate_raw => $vars) }, {
xslate_version => Text::Xslate->VERSION
benchmark 'sprintf' => sub {
my $sprintf_tmpl = qq{Hello, %1\$s world!\n} x 100;
sub { sprintf $sprintf_tmpl, $vars->{lang} }
Basically, benchmarks are defined by the benchmark
definitions that return the coderefs to benchmark as well
as optional environment variables to attach to the result.
On your benchmark. Get set. GO!
We have a benchmark suite. How do we run it?
Via the cli utility benchpress
19:45 yanick@enkidu ~/work/perl/p5-Text-Xslate
$ benchpress -I lib -I benchmark Text::Xslate::Benchmark::Interpolate
starting to benchpress
adding suite Text::Xslate::Benchmark::Interpolate
Each benchmark is one JSON line, reporting the results as well as the benchmark suite, name, global environment variables as well as those we've thrown in. The goal here is to pour out all the information in a big, ugly mess of a heap. The joys of reporting and data munging fun will be for later.
Run the suites across versions
Now, I want to make sure my changes didn't decrease performance. This mean I need to compare the performance of several versions.
No problem. But before we get to it, as the benchpress
files aren't present
in previous versions of the code, I need to create a worktree of the
repository that will remain stable as we move across tags and branches:
# check out the branch 'benchpress' in the directory 'benchpress'
$ git worktree add benchpress benchpress
With that done, we can now run our benchmarks across all recent versions of the module:
# my shell is 'fish'. would be slightly different in bash
$ for version in v3.5.0 v3.5.1 v3.5.2 v3.5.3 v3.5.4 v3.5.5 v3.5.6;
git checkout $version;
benchpress -I lib -I benchpress/benchmark \
Text::Xslate::Benchmark:: >> benchpress/benchmarks.json;
Oh yeah: I didn't want to type all the benchmark modules all the time,
so I reached out to Module::Pluggable so
that I could expand Text::Xslate::Benchmark::
to all findable
modules in that namespace.
From stats to report
By now we have a file benchmarks.json
filled with nice statistics.
But we want tables! We want graphs! Mostly, we want an excuse to play with R!
So I wrote some baby R:
Invoked Rmarkdown
$ R -e "rmarkdown::render('stats.Rmd')"
And, boom, a report is born.